How to Draw a Beard with Eyeliner?

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How to Draw a Beard with Eyeliner

The beauty community recently witnessed a unique trend gaining popularity—drawing beards with eyeliner. It’s a form of artistic expression and a skill allowing individuals to transform their appearance creatively. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll take you through the step-by-step process of mastering the art of drawing a beard with eyeliner. So, grab your brushes, and let’s dive into the fascinating world of cosmetic artistry!


A. Brief Overview of the Rising Trend

The beauty industry is ever-evolving, and one of the latest trends that have taken social media by storm is the art of drawing beards with eyeliner. This unconventional practice has gained traction as individuals seek new ways to express themselves and experiment with their looks.

B. Importance of Mastering the Art

While drawing a beard with eyeliner might seem like a whimsical endeavor, mastering this skill has perks. It allows individuals to showcase their creativity, make a bold statement, and redefine their facial features. Whether you’re a makeup enthusiast or want to try something new, this guide is your go-to resource.

I. Gathering Your Tools

A. Choosing the Right Eyeliner

Before embarking on your beard-drawing journey, selecting the right eyeliner is crucial. Opt for a high-quality, waterproof eyeliner in a shade that complements your natural hair color. Gel eyeliners are particularly effective for this technique due to their smooth texture.

B. Selecting Appropriate Brushes

Investing in the right brushes can make a significant difference in the outcome of your beard-drawing adventure. Small, angled brushes are ideal for precision, while fluffy brushes help with blending and shading.

II. Preparing Your Canvas

A. Clean and Moisturize the Face

Just like any art project, a clean canvas is essential. Start by cleansing your face and moisturizing it to create a smooth surface for the eyeliner.

B. Choosing the Right Base Makeup

You may get an even beard base using a small concealer or foundation. This step enhances the longevity of the eyeliner and ensures a flawless finish.

III. Mapping Out the Beard

A. Importance of Facial Features Awareness

Being aware of your facial features is crucial to create a realistic-looking beard. Consider the shape of your face and the natural contours of your jawline and cheeks.

B. Sketching the Beard Outline with a Light Hand

Start by using the eyeliner to draw the beard’s contour softly. This initial step acts as a guide for the detailed work that follows.

IV. Filling in the Details

A. Selecting the Right Shade for the Beard

Choosing the appropriate shade is pivotal for achieving a natural appearance. Match the eyeliner color to your hair, opting for a slightly lighter shade for a subtle effect.

B. Techniques for Achieving a Realistic Look

Experiment with various techniques, such as short, feathery strokes, to mimic the texture of facial hair. Take your time and build up the color gradually for a more authentic result.

V. Adding Depth and Dimension

A. Highlighting and Shading Techniques

To add depth to your beard, incorporate highlighting and shading. For places that are naturally lit, choose a shade that is slightly lighter; for darkened parts, use a darker shade.

B. Blending for a Natural Appearance

Blend the colors seamlessly to avoid harsh lines. A soft, blending brush can be your best friend in achieving a natural, well-blended beard.

VI. Perfecting the Look

A. Refining Edges and Lines

Refine the edges of your beard, ensuring clean and defined lines. Use a precision brush to tidy up uneven areas and perfect the overall shape.

B. Assessing Symmetry and Making Adjustments

Take a step back and evaluate your beard’s symmetry. Please ensure that both sides are balanced and harmonious by making any necessary adjustments.

VII. Setting the Beard in Place

A. Using Setting Sprays or Powders

Set your beard with a makeup setting spray or translucent powder to ensure your hard work lasts throughout the day. This step helps prevent smudging and maintains the integrity of your creation.

B. Ensuring Long-Lasting Results

For a long-lasting beard, avoid touching your face unnecessarily. Be mindful of your facial expressions to prevent unintended smudging.

Troubleshooting Common Issues

A. Smudging and How to Fix It

If you encounter smudging, don’t panic. Gently cleanse the affected area with a cotton swab, apply concealer, and set with powder.

B. Dealing with Uneven Coloring

Uneven coloring is a common issue. To address this, layer more eyeliner on the lighter areas until you achieve a consistent color.

Advanced Techniques for Realism

A. Incorporating Texture and Details

Take your beard-drawing skills to the next level by incorporating texture and fine details—experiment with creating individual hair strands for a hyper-realistic effect.

B. Experimenting with Different Beard Styles

Once you’ve mastered the basics, don’t be afraid to experiment with various beard styles. From a well-groomed beard to a rugged look, the possibilities are endless.

Showcasing Your Creation

A. Taking Quality Photos for Social Media

Capture the essence of your beard creation by taking high-quality photos. Ensure good lighting to highlight the details and share your masterpiece with pride.

B. Tips for Sharing Your Work with the Community

Engage with the beauty community by sharing your beard-drawing journey on social media. Use relevant hashtags and join discussions to connect with like-minded individuals.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

A. Can I use any eyeliner for drawing a beard?

Yes, you can use any high-quality waterproof eyeliner for drawing a beard. Gel eyeliners are recommended for their smooth application.

B. How do I avoid smudging throughout the day?

Set your beard with a makeup setting spray or translucent powder to avoid smudging. Be mindful of touching your face unnecessarily.

C. What should I do if I make a mistake?

If you make a mistake, gently clean the affected area with a cotton swab and concealer. Then, set it again with powder.

D. Are there specific brushes recommended for this technique?

Small, angled brushes are ideal for precision, while fluffy brushes help with blending and shading when drawing a beard with eyeliner.

E. Can beginners achieve a realistic-looking beard?

Absolutely! With practice and patience, beginners can achieve a realistic-looking beard. Start with simple styles and gradually experiment with more intricate designs.


In conclusion, drawing a beard with eyeliner is a fun and creative way to express yourself. Mastering this skill requires practice and experimentation, so don’t be afraid to try different styles and techniques. Embrace the journey, and let your artistic spirit flourish.

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